silhouette of a translucent cartoon woman with ponytail juxtaposed in blue with a glowing yellow brain

How Tech Can Improve Your Well-Being

Conversations about technology and wellness often come down to encouraging people to spend less time on tech to improve their wellness. But the truth is, technology can have a lot of benefits for our wellness if used in the right way.

In fact, technology can be a great asset in our quest for better wellness. When used mindfully and with intention, it can help us manage stress, get a good night’s sleep, and improve our overall well-being.

When you’re choosing an app or website to help with your wellness, it’s crucial to find one that is reputable and has positive reviews. It’s also essential to ensure that you’re helpfully using the tool. For example, if you’re using an app to track your sleep, make sure to check in with yourself regularly to see how it’s affecting your sleep patterns.

How Tech Can Improve Your Well-Being

Now, here are some examples of how tech can improve your well-being:

Managing stress and anxiety

Some apps and websites can effectively help you manage stress and anxiety. One example is Headspace, which offers guided meditation sessions. You can also choose from apps that can help you track your moods to understand better what triggers your stress and anxiety.

Getting a good night’s sleep

Technology can also help you get a good night’s sleep. For example, some apps can track your sleep patterns and offer tips on how to get a better night’s rest. Smart alarms also wake you up at the optimal time based on your sleep cycle.

Eating healthy

There are also apps and websites out there that can help you eat healthily. One example is MyFitnessPal, which tracks your food intake and exercise to help you make healthier choices. In addition, some apps offer recipes and tips on how to cook healthy meals.

Moving more

Technology can also help you move more! And we don’t just mean treadmills and other electronic exercise equipment. For example, there are apps for tracking your steps and activity levels. That way, you can see how much you’re moving each day. There are also fitness tracking devices to motivate you to meet your daily step goals.

Stimulating the vagus nerve

Although there are non-tech ways to stimulate the vagus nerve, there are also non-invasive and incredibly effective electronic options to choose from. One such option is the Xen by Neuvana vagus nerve stimulation device.

With this device, users wear the vagus nerve-stimulating headphones that plug into a handheld device. This device syncs with the user’s smartphone, allowing them to control their sessions conveniently. They can stimulate the vagus nerve while they go about their day or while they’re relaxing and listening to music.

If you aren’t familiar with how the vagus nerve works and the benefits of vagus nerve stimulation (VNS), it’s worth exploring those a bit right now. The vagus nerve—the body’s longest—isn’t just one nerve, but a bundle of nerves that runs from the brainstem down both sides of the neck and through the chest. This complex system of nerves plays a vital role in many processes, including heart rate, digestion, and mood.

VNS has been shown to be an effective treatment for various conditions, including depression, anxiety, tinnitus, migraines, and even epilepsy. The FDA has even approved VNS as a treatment for depression.

While there are many ways to stimulate the vagus nerve, electronic stimulation is non-invasive, convenient, and easy to use. And as more research is conducted on VNS, we’re likely to see even more benefits of this promising therapy.

Features to Look For in Wellness Tech

Now that we’ve talked about how technology can improve your well-being, let’s talk about some of the features to look for in wellness tech.

Ease of use

The best wellness tech is easy to use and doesn’t require much time or effort to get started. Look for apps and devices that are simple to set up and don’t require much time to use.


Wellness tech should be flexible and adaptable to your needs. Look for apps and devices that offer a variety of features and that can be customized to your specific needs.


Wellness tech doesn’t have to be expensive. Many affordable options can still provide a lot of value. Look for apps and devices that fit your budget and offer a free trial or money-back guarantee.

So, there you have it: five ways technology can improve your well-being and helpful features to look for. From managing stress and anxiety to eating healthy and stimulating the vagus nerve, tech can be a powerful tool for improving your wellness.

Considerations for Tech and Wellness

However, there are also certain things to keep in mind regarding technology and wellness, so let’s talk about those next.

First and foremost, finding a balance between using technology and spending time in nature is essential. Too much time spent in front of screens can lead to problems like neck pain, eye strain, and headaches. So, it’s important to take breaks from technology and spend time outside in nature.

Secondly, be mindful of the way you’re using technology. If you’re using it in a way that isn’t helpful or productive, it can worsen your stress and anxiety. So be intentional about how you’re using tech, and ensure it’s positively serving you.

Finally, remember that you don’t need to use technology 24/7 in order to see benefits for your well-being. In fact, sometimes, it’s best to unplug and disconnect from technology altogether. But, it’s all about finding a balance that works for you.

In Closing

Now you’re armed with some helpful information about how technology can improve your well-being. Keep these things in mind as you incorporate tech into your wellness routine, and you’ll be on your way to a healthier, happier life. Just remember to find a balance that works for you, and remember to take breaks from technology every once in a while!