Neuvana Music and Vagus Nerve Stimulation

2 Ways Music Can Affect the Vagus Nerve and Its Benefits in FL

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Music has always found a way to soothe, comfort, inspire, and motivate countless people around the world. For this reason, it is no surprise that listening to music can provide a wealth of beneficial health benefits. The vagus nerve is the tenth cranial nerve that consists of a branch that goes to the tympanic membrane or eardrum and other parts of the body. This branch of the vagus nerve vibrates in response to sound. Here 2 ways listening to a certain type of music can affect the vagus nerve and how it will benefit you.

Heal Naturally With Music

One way listening to music can affect the vagus nerve is that the sounds you hear from music will provide you a way to heal naturally. The vagus nerve interferes with the parasympathetic control of the lungs, heart, and digestive tract. This means when you listen to a specific type of music that affects the vagus nerve, it will help relax your body or put your body into relaxation states to help you heal naturally.

Vagus Nerve Stimulation

Listening to a certain type of music that affects the vagus nerve can provide your body with stimulation. As mentioned, the vagus nerve interferes with the parasympathetic control of the heart and digestive tract. Listening to a certain type of music that affects the vagus nerve will benefit you as it can lower your heart rate while increasing intestinal activity.

Music for the Vagus Nerve

Perhaps you are thrilled and are now searching for vagus nerve music to take advantage of the health benefits it may offer by listening to it. Visit Neuvana. They offer their unique line of products that can increase your overall wellness. So, when searching for a highly knowledgeable and experienced company that offers vagus nerve music, they are the ones you should visit. Call or visit them at today.

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