6 Ways to Build Emotional Resiliency in Uncertain Times
It’s more common that you might think to feel emotionally unstable, especially during the pandemic we are currently living through. Emotional resiliency almost seems like something that is unattai...
8 Foods that Help Improve Your Focus
Did you know that your brain consumes about 20% of the calories you eat? Food is fuel for your brain. In fact, the brain uses the foods you consume for energy, to be able to handle stress, to feed...
What Happens When We Procrastinate?
Procrastination. A torturous and anxiety-provoking concept for all of us planners. But the truth is, we’ve all done it before. You know, that feeling when you just really don’t want to do somethin...
How Caffeine Affects Your Nervous System
Sometimes it’s difficult to get moving in the morning. Gloomy days and not enough sleep can leave us feeling exhausted. And sure, we all love that cup of coffee that helps kick start our mornings....
6 Tips to Focus Your Mind
Mental clutter, hyper-mind, head оn overdrive—we’ve аll bееn there. Hеrе iѕ ѕоmе soothing relief.
Trу thеѕе simple suggestions fоr slowing things down. Yоur concentration аnd memory will improve...
7 Tips to Focus Your Mind – Neuvana
Mental clutter, hyper-mind, head оn overdrive—we’ve аll bееn there. Hеrе iѕ ѕоmе soothing relief.
Trу thеѕе simple suggestions fоr slowing things down. Yоur concentration аnd memory will improv...