Xen by Neuvana Life

What Happens When We Procrastinate?

Procrastination. A torturous and anxiety-provoking concept for all of us planners. But the truth is, we’ve all done it before. You know, that feeling when you just really don’t want to do somethin...
Xen by Neuvana Life

Finding the Calm in Your Every Day

Your mind is racing. You have so much to do and not enough time to do it. Or maybe you can’t stop thinking about that one conversation yesterday because you feel you really should have said this o...
Neuvana Life Workplace Stress

Workplace Stress & Employee Wellness

The modern workplace employee is more stressed-out than ever. Leaving late, working long hours, too much sitting, it all adds up and it’s stressing everyone out! Even when you leave the office, it...
Neuvana Dealing With Uncertainty

Dealing With the Stress of Uncertainty

Human beings are creatures of habit. We like it when we feel in control of our lives and when everything happens as we planned. But when the unexpected occurs, it can be stressful. The way we re...
Neuvana - Stress Free

Declutter Your Life in 2020

Did the holidays and end of 2019 make you feel a little extra stressed and burnt out? We know the feeling. Sometimes it’s challenging to not get caught up in too many commitments and routines, so ...
How to Beat Your Winter Blues

How to Beat Your Winter Blues

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) affects about 10 million Americans every winter season, with an additional 10-20% of the population that feel mild SAD. It's reported, people feel trapped inside ...
Snowy Forest

Wellness Tips For a Healthy & Happy Holiday Season

Tips to Become Healthier & Happier Over the Holidays Get Some Zzz’s With all of the holiday traveling, shopping, and parties, it can be difficult to get enough sleep. It’s recommended t...
Stress Relieving Benefits of Xen

Stress Relieving Benefits of Xen

Stress affects every single one of us. You might feel stressed when you budget, have an argument with a significant other or are trying to make a deadline at work. While stress isn’t necessarily b...
Simple Ways to Recharge and Relax

Simple Ways to Recharge and Relax

Bеуоnd a take-charge approach аnd a positive attitude, уоu саn reduce stress in уоur life bу nurturing yourself. If уоu regularly make timе fоr fun аnd relaxation, you’ll bе in a bеttеr рlасе tо h...