Essential Oils for Vagus Nerve Stimulation
Many essential oils are known for promoting a sense of relaxation and calm, or at least making your home smell nice! But did you know there are also many essential oils for vagus nerve stimulation?...
Breathing To Stimulate The Vagus Nerve
The vagus nerve is a starting player in the nervous system, governing many important functions like heart rate and memory. But many people don't know that one of the best ways to stimulate the vagu...
Healing Power Of The Vagus Nerve
All of the nerves in your body play their own vital roles. But when it comes to the vagus nerve, it may just be one of the most powerful nerves of them all—at least when it comes to healing your bo...
7 Hacks To Increase Your Gut Health
Wondering how to increase your gut health? Then, you're in the right place. Today, there is more talk of gut health and the gut microbiome than ever before. In this article, we'll talk about precis...
Calming Your Nervous System With Vagus Nerve Stimulation
If you feel like your nervous system is always in overdrive, you could be experiencing symptoms like anxiety, stress, irritability, and even depression. Luckily, there are many things you can do to...
Daily Vagus Nerve Exercises
When you think of your daily exercise routine, it might include things like jogging, lifting weights, or swimming laps. But what about exercises for your vagus nerve? Today, we'll explore the vagus...
13 Reasons Traveling Can Stress You Out & Tips To Reduce Travel Stress
Do you have a big trip coming up? You could be feeling a mix of excitement and dread. While traveling can be a lot of fun, it can also be stressful. Today, we'll talk more about what makes travel s...
Reduce Stress For College Students: Helpful Tips
As a college student, it can sometimes feel like there's not enough time in the day. And when you're feeling overwhelmed, it can be challenging to get anything done. There are ways to manage your s...
The Vagus Nerve: The Ultimate Weapon in Fighting Stress
Which weapons are in your stress-fighting arsenal? If vagus nerve stimulation isn't one of them, it's time to think about adding it! There are many benefits of vagus nerve stimulation, and they don...